
What is HypnoBirthing®?

HypnoBirthing®  is a childbirth education program  designed to help you achieve a satisfying, relaxing and stress-free birth. It focuses on education, visualizations and relaxation techniques based on self-hypnosis. It also focuses on dispelling the fears associated with childbirth so that parents can go into their birth feeling calm and confident.

We have been programmed to expect childbirth to be a certain way, for most women they expect excruciating pain. But “What we think influences how we feel”. For instance, if you recall an unpleasant event in your life, you will surely tense up just thinking about it. Fear will cause tension which in turn will cause pain. And the fear of the pain drives the pain. HypnoBirthing® focuses on teaching you how to relax your mind. And when your mind is relaxed, your body will be relaxed allowing your uterine muscles to open more easily which will lead to an easier birth.

HypnoBirthing® will teach you that when the mother is healthy and in the absence of special circumstances, Pain and Tension do not have to be an accompaniment of Labor. HypnoBirthing® is an incredible tool to get yourself in a desired peaceful and confident frame of mind by the time of arrival of your baby. And the earlier you start, the more time you have to practice.

HypnoBirthing® Advantages

  • Learn to be relaxed and eliminate the fear that causes tension
  • Learn how to call upon the body’s own natural relaxant and thus lessen, or even eliminate, discomfort and the use of chemical painkillers and drugs
  • Reduce the pain during labor: most women only feel some pressure
  • Reduces and often eliminate fatigue during Labor, leaving you fresh and alert
  • Builds confidence in your body’s own natural ability to birth without unnecessary interventions
  • Shortens the first phase of labor
  • Learn special breathing techniques allowing you to breathe your baby into the world rather than push
  • Reduces the need for an episiotomy
  • Prepares your companion to assist you during your labor, giving him/her an integral role in the birthing
  • Enhance the bond between Mother and Child and the birthing partner
  • HypnoBirthing®  Techniques are simple and easy. Just like with any techniques, the key to success is practice.
  • When you trust that your body will work perfectly, as Nature has intended, a natural easier birth is possible for you.

What You Will Learn in HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method Classes

HypnoBirthing® private classes are taught as a series of five classes. During the HypnoBirthing® Childbirth education classes, you will receive:

Hypnobirth handouts to aid your practice

Rainbow Relaxation mp3 to enhance your practice at home and much more…

UNIT 1: Building A Positive Expectancy

Introduction to the remarkable HypnoBirthing® philosophy

The History of Women and Birthing

Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing

How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth

How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts

The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing

Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos

UNIT 2: Falling in Love with Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body

The remarkable mind of your newborn baby—Prenatal bonding techniques

Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques

Breathing techniques for labor and birthing

Hypnotic relaxation and visualization

Selecting the right care provider

The Birth companion’s role in birthing

Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning

UNIT 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby

Preparing Birth Preference Sheets

Preparing the Body for Birthing

Light Touch Labor Massage

Your body working for and with you

Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labor

Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts

UNIT 4 An overview of Birthing – A Labor of Love

Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase

Birth explained simply

Settling in at the hospital or birthing center

Preparing for home birth – or baby’s choice of birth

As labor moves along – passing time through labor

Hallmarks of labor

If labor rests or slows – Companion’s prompts and activities

As labor advances – birthing with your baby

Protecting the natural birthing experience

Birth rehearsal imagery

UNIT 5: Birth – Breathing Love – Bringing Life

Moving into birthing

Positions for descent and birthing

Breathing baby down to birth

Baby moves to the breast

Family bonding with your baby

Often pregnant moms ask when is the best time to start the classes… The sooner you start the more time you have to practice the techniques, the more natural they will come to you!

Let’s Meet!

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